Iglesia Adventista del Séptimo Día

Iglesia Adventista Del Septimo Dia Getsemani II Asociación Dominicana del Sureste, Unión Dominicana


Mi Vida Entera

Nací para reflejar la imagen de un Dios que tiene el suficiente poder para crear mi universo, que está atento a mis oraciones y me ama tanto que se entregó a sí mismo. Mi sentido de realización más grande se halla en una travesía hacia un propósito definido y la plenitud.

Nuestras Creencias

Las creencias adventistas tienen el propósito de impregnar toda la vida. Surgen a partir de escrituras que presentan un retrato convincente de Dios, y nos invitan a explorar, experimentar y conocer a Aquel que desea restaurarnos a la plenitud.

Si desea saber más

Noticias Adventistas

Evangelism in Tonga Experiencing an Abundant Harvest

Thirty-five people have been baptized into the Adventist Church in Tonga, and the number is conti...

A Sign of Eternal Life in the Blue Lagoon

In line with the Trans-Pacific Union Mission’s harvesting vision, more than 60 people were baptiz...

New Innovative Documentary Series Filmed In Sinai To be Released on September 2nd

Situated in a remote valley on the Sinai Peninsula stands a small Christian monastery that has wi...

A Scam, a Service, and Many Smiles

At the beginning of May 2021, the LifeBridge Seventh-day Adventist Church provided the Tacoma, Wa...

Inter-America’s Online Stewardship Congress Emphasizes “God Will Provide”

“We know so many who have lost their jobs, are struggling with the loss of their loved ones, and ...

The Church’s Needed Witness

The political and social events of the year 2020 have once again pushed unresolved issues around ...

God’s Call to Live in Healing and Harmony

The North American Division stands in support of the principles outlined in the General Conferenc...

Why the Bible is not a book to be merely read, but rather to be studied and internalized

If I were to ask how many readers of this article have one or more copies of the Bible in their h...

3-year-old Jethro takes his first unassisted breath

Jethro Quach was born with a web of tissue blocking the trachea just below his vocal cords, which...

World Education Sabbath: Recognizing God’s Plan for Education

This Sabbath, August 21, the Seventh-day Adventist Church recognizes the impact Adventist Educati...